About the School
W. C. Griggs Elementary
Together We Lead, Together We Shine
Vision Statement:
Educating and Empowering Greatness
Mission Statement:
The Mission of W. C. Griggs is to become educated leaders who challenge ourselves to achieve our goals. We will be positive, life-long learners who celebrate the greatness in everyone.
Griggs Discipline Plan
Using positive reinforcement to encourage appropriate behavior while at school.
Griggs Discipline Plan
The History of W.C. Griggs Elementary
W. C. Griggs Elementary School was organized in 1958. It is named in honor of William C. Griggs. He began his educational career at the age of twenty-five and served in several different capacities. He was the principal of Henley High School in Birmingham. He served as superintendent of schools in Gadsden and Bessemer, Alabama as well as in Danville, Virginia. In 1926 Mr. Griggs was appointed superintendent of the Mobile County School System for the completion of a term. William Griggs served in the Mobile County Public School System for seventeen years until his retirement in 1944. He was active in both the community and his local church. William C. Griggs died on July 6, 1955.
Source: Mobile Public Library Local History Department (vertical file)
AMSTI Science and Math

Class Daily Schedule
Bus Drop-Off
Car Rider Drop-Off
Breakfast Served In Classrooms
School day begins
Bus and Van rider dismissal
Car rider dismissal
All students should be picked up